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2009-12-14 15:19:23|  分类: 控烟英语角 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Just one night in smoky bar can be toxic

Study finds carcinogen in nonsmoking workers after brief exposure

CHICAGO - Een brief exposure to secondhand smoke in bars and restaurants can result in measurable leels of a toxin in workers’ bodies that is known to cause lung cancer, U.S. researchers said on Thursday.

They found nonsmoking workers in Oregon who worked a single shift in a bar or restaurant that allowed smoking were more likely to hae a detectable leel of NNK — a carcinogen linked with lung cancer — in their bodies than those who worked in nonsmoking establishments.

“NNK is only found in the body as a result of either smoking or breathing other people’s smoke,” said Michael Stark of the Multnomah County Health Department in Portland, Ore., whose study appears in the American Journal of Public Health.

Stark and colleagues studied 52 nonsmoking bar and restaurant workers who were exposed to smoke at work, and compared them to 32 similar nonsmoking workers from communities in Oregon that prohibited smoking in such places.

For the study, participants, mainly young, uninsured women, gae urine samples before and after working at least four hours.

“As a group, four out of fie of the nonsmokers who worked in a smoking enironment had some detectable leel of this deadly chemical in their body, and as a group, for eery hour that they worked, that leel increased by 6 percent,” Stark said in a telephone interiew.

Other studies hae shown that nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke hae about a 20 percent higher risk of lung cancer. They are also at a higher risk of asthma and perinatal complications such as sudden infant death syndrome.

“This adds to the ery strong and growing body of eidence that second-hand smoke exposure is dangerous and people need to be protected,” Stark said.

According to Stark, clean indoor air acts protect about 70 percent of workers from exposure to tobacco smoke.

Secondhand smoke causes about 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 46,000 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year, according to the American Lung Association.

Leels of enironmental smoke in restaurants and bars are two to fie times higher than in homes with smokers, they said.




Just one night in smoky bar can be toxic

Study finds carcinogen in nonsmoking workers after brief exposure



CHICAGO - Een brief exposure to secondhand smoke in bars and restaurants can result in measurable leels of a toxin in workers’ bodies that is known to cause lung cancer, U.S. researchers said on Thursday.

芝加哥- 美国的科学家在周四指出,在烟雾弥漫的酒吧和餐厅短暂暴露之后会导致工作者体内引起肺癌的有毒物质水平的显著升高.

They found nonsmoking workers in Oregon who worked a single shift in a bar or restaurant that allowed smoking were more likely to hae a detectable leel of NNK — a carcinogen linked with lung cancer — in their bodies than those who worked in nonsmoking establishments.


“NNK is only found in the body as a result of either smoking or breathing other people’s smoke,” said Michael Stark of the Multnomah County Health Department in Portland, Ore., whose study appears in the American Journal of Public Health.

俄勒冈波特兰国家健康所的Michael Stark在美国公共健康杂志上撰文指出:”体内有NNK要么是由于吸烟,要么是由于呼吸烟气.”

Stark and colleagues studied 52 nonsmoking bar and restaurant workers who were exposed to smoke at work, and compared them to 32 similar nonsmoking workers from communities in Oregon that prohibited smoking in such places.


For the study, participants, mainly young, uninsured women, gae urine samples before and after working at least four hours.

参加这项工作的主要是年轻 未保险的女性,她们提供上班前和上班至少四小时后的尿样.

“As a group, four out of fie of the nonsmokers who worked in a smoking enironment had some detectable leel of this deadly chemical in their body, and as a group, for eery hour that they worked, that leel increased by 6 percent,” Stark said in a telephone interiew.


Other studies hae shown that nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke hae about a 20 percent higher risk of lung cancer. They are also at a higher risk of asthma and perinatal complications such as sudden infant death syndrome.


“This adds to the ery strong and growing body of eidence that second-hand smoke exposure is dangerous and people need to be protected,” Stark said.


According to Stark, clean indoor air acts protect about 70 percent of workers from exposure to tobacco smoke.


Secondhand smoke causes about 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 46,000 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year, according to the American Lung Association.


Leels of enironmental smoke in restaurants and bars are two to fie times higher than in homes with smokers, they said.



-- 研究显示非吸烟工作者的短暂暴露于烟雾环境之后发现致癌物质



俄勒冈波特兰国家健康所的Michael Stark在美国公共健康杂志上撰文指出:“体内有NNK要么是由于吸烟,要么是由于呼吸烟气。”Stark及其同事研究了在吸烟酒吧和餐厅工作的52位不吸烟的工作人员,并从俄勒冈禁止在这些场所吸烟的社区中选取了32位同行作为对照.参加这项工作的主要是年轻 、未保险的女性她们提供上班前和上班至少四小时后的尿样。Stark在电话采访中说道:“总体上看来,在吸烟环境工作的非吸烟者中的4/5强可以在体内检测到这种致命的化学物质,而且每工作一小时,其水平升高六个百分点。”其他研究曾经发现暴露在吸烟环境的非吸烟者比常人的肺癌的几率高20%,他们也有更高的风险会得哮喘和围产期并发症比如婴儿猝死综合症。Stark认为:“这更加证明了暴露在吸烟环境是危险的,他们应该得到防护。”Stark还认为清洁的室内环境可以保护七成工作人员避免暴露在烟气弥漫的环境。


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