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引用 Tobacco Control  

2010-05-31 08:59:54|  分类: 控烟英语角 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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本文转载自faithhim《Tobacco Control》



faithhimTobacco Control

160 countries gathered in Durban in South Africa to discuss how to block tobacco industry interference in global health policies and the implementation of the global tobacco treaty.

At that conference(Nov 17-Nov 22), China was confered The Dirty Ashtray Award  for attempting to make a mockery of Article 11 guidelines of FCTC including preferring beautiful cigarette packages over the health of its citizens.

Tobacco control in China is uniquely challenging for the tobacco industry is government-owned and government operated. Tobacco revenues also make up a significant portion of government income at both local and national levels.

Though there are various ressistance on tobacco control in China,  measures are urgently needed to stop this lethal product disguised in exquisitely decorated packages. Controlling tobacco use requires a sustained cross-sectoral approach involving partners at all levels. Tobacco taxation is proven to be an efficient way out without tremendously harming the revenues of the government. It will make the government in a win-win situation since the reduction in revenues on tobacco may be offseted by the savings in medical costs on tobacco-related deseases. Then, clear, enforeable national laws should be enacted to guarantee smoke-free public places to save victims from second-hand smoke. Individuals needs to be educated to be vigilant against outcome of puffing away.

recommended reading material:

 A wisp of public-spiritedness

(Nov 27th 2008 From The Economist print edition)

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