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2010-08-04 13:39:12|  分类: MPOWER |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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原文:Smoke-free laws are popular

Public opinion surveys show that smokefree legislation is extremely popular wherever it is enacted, even among smokers, and that support tends to increase over time after these laws are in place. Support is generally strongest for making hospitals and other health-care facilities smoke-free, while there is usually the least support for making bars and pubs smoke-free (88–90).

In 2006, Uruguay became the first country in the Americas to become 100% smoke-free by enacting a ban on smoking in all public spaces and workplaces, including bars, restaurants and casinos. The law won support from eight out of every 10 Uruguayans, including nearly two thirds of the country’s smokers (91). After New Zealand passed smoke-free laws in 2004, 69% of its citizens said they supported the right of people to work in a smoke-free environment (92).

The smoke-free workplace law introduced in Ireland in March 2004 has been judged successful by 96% of people, including 89% of smokers (93). In California, 75% of the population approved of smoke-free workplace laws that included restaurants and bars within the first few years after being enacted by that state in 1998 (94).

Although China has few smoke-free public places, 90% of people living in large cities – smokers and non-smokers alike – support a ban on smoking on public transport and in schools and hospitals (95). More than 80% of urban residents in China support smoke-free legislation in workplaces, and about half support banning smoking in restaurants and bars (95). In Russia, which also has few restrictions on smoking in public places, nearly a third of people support a complete ban on smoking in restaurants (96).

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