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2010-08-04 13:40:54|  分类: MPOWER |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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原文:Smoke-free laws do not hurt business

Despite tobacco and hospitality industry claims, experience shows that in every country where comprehensive smoke-free legislation has been enacted, smokefree environments are popular, easy to implement and enforce, and result in either a neutral or positive impact on businesses, including the hospitality sector (97, 98).

These findings were similar in all places studied, including in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States (99); Norway (100); New Zealand (101); the state of California (102); New York City (103); and various US states and municipalities (104).

In New York City, which implemented smoke-free legislation in two stages (covering most workplaces including most restaurants in 1995 and adding bars and remaining restaurants in 2003), restaurant employment increased after enactment of the 1995 law (105). Combined bar and restaurant employment and receipts increased in the year after enactment of the 2003 ordinance (103), and have continued increasing since.

After comprehensive smoke-free legislation was implemented, there were no statistically significant changes observed among hospitality industry economic indicators in Massachusetts (106), no economic harm to bar and restaurant businesses reported in the mid-sized US city of Lexington, Kentucky (107), and no adverse economic impact on tourism in Florida (108). When bars located in communities with smoke-free laws were sold, they commanded prices comparable to prices paid for similar bars in areas with no restrictions on smoking (109). This type of economic evidence can be usedto counter false tobacco industry claims that establishing smoke-free places causes economic harm (97, 110).

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