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2010-08-05 14:07:22|  分类: MPOWER |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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The following WHO staff assisted in compiling, analysing and editing information:

WHO African Region:

Jean-Pierre Baptiste, Tecla Butau, Deowan Mohee, Nivo Ramanadraibe.

WHO Region of the Americas:

Adriana Blanco, Maristela Monteiro, Rosa Sandoval, Mayte Vasquez.

WHO South-East Asia Region:

Khalil Rahman, Kamar Rezwan, Dhirendra N. Sinha.

WHO European Region:

Yulia Kadirova, Rula Khoury, Kristina Mauer, Agis Tsouros.

WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region:

Fatimah El-Awa, Majed Elehawi, Farrukh Qureshi.

WHO Western Pacific Region:

Sarah England (China), Trinette Lee, Guangyuan Liu, Susan Mercado.

WHO-Headquarters Geneva:

Sundus Aladoofi, Zahra Ali Piazza, Ala Alwan, Alphaluck Bhatiasevi, Lubna Bhatti, Douglas Bettcher, Katherine DeLand, Christine Fares, Daniel Ferrante, Gillian Forbes, Omid Fotuhi, Dongbo Fu, Lejla Gagik, Bernardus Ganter, Jason Henderson, Gudrun Ingolfsdottir, Mie Inoue, Sun Goo Lee, Nima Mansouri, Raman Minhas, Ryan Moran, Simeon Niles, Timothy OLeary, Alexandre Pascutto, Armando Peruga, Patrick Petit (formerly WHO), Luminita Sanda, Rosane Serrao, Brooke Trainum, Gulnoza Usmanova, Barbara Zolty.

Administrative support was provided by: Miriamjoy Aryee-Quansah, Catalin Iacobescu, Luis Madge, Carolyn Patten, Elizabeth Tecson, Jennifer Volonnino.

Kerstin Schotte coordinated the production of this report with support from Katherine DeLand.

Christopher Fitzpatrick provided technical oversight to the development of its content.

Quality assurance of countryreported data was assured by Alison Commar, Christopher Fitzpatrick, Gauri Khanna,Sameer Pujari, Kerstin Schotte and Erin Smith.

Armando Peruga was responsible for the legal review process performed by: Dongbo Fu, Raman Minhas,

Luminita Sanda, Erin Smith, Gemma Vestal and Barbara Zolty.

The prevalence estimates were calculated by Gauri Khanna and Edouard Tursan dEspaignet.

The financial and economic review and analyses, including tobacco taxation and prices, were provided by Christopher Fitzpatrick (AFR and SEAR), Anne-Marie Perucic (AMR and EMR) and Ayda Yurekli (EUR and WPR) with support from Frank Chaloupka and Sofia Delipalla. Data management, quality assurance and creation of tables, graphs and appendices were performed by Alison Commar, Sameer Pujari and Shaun Takao.

We thank Jennifer Ellis and Kelly Henning of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use for their collaboration. Stella Bialous, Vera da Costa e Silva, Geoffrey T. Fong, John Pierce, Martin Raw and Jonathan Samet, among others, provided us with invaluable feedback and comments, thank you very much. Special thanks also to the Convention Secretariat to the WHO FCTC, to Colin

Mathers and Gretchen Stevens, and to the team of the Office on Smoking and Health of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Drew Blakeman assisted with the drafting of this report. Special thanks are due to our copyeditor and proofreader Barbara Campanini and our designer Reda Sadki and his team for their efficiency in helping to get this report published in time.

Production of this WHO document has been supported by a grant from the World Lung Foundation with financial support from Bloomberg Philanthropies. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of WHO and should not be regarded as reflecting the positions of the World Lung Foundation.

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