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2009年全球烟草流行报告:Madagascar passes legislation banning all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship  

2010-08-05 08:07:15|  分类: MPOWER |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Madagascar passes legislation banning all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship

Madagascar has had moderately strong tobacco control policies in place for the last few years. In addition to a ban on smoking in public places and health warnings that cover 50% of tobacco packaging, all tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship activities are prohibited. Both direct advertising and indirect marketing are covered by the ban.

Because the law prohibiting tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship has been well enforced and includes strict penalties for violations, these activities have ceased completely. Throughout Madagascar, there are no television, newspaper, magazine or billboard advertisements for tobacco products, and Internet marketing is similarly banned. Promotional activities such as distribution of free cigarettes and tobacco product rewards have ended. To strengthen monitoring and enforcement, district-level public health officials and local law enforcement work closely with the national tobacco control programme and the ministry of health to expose and investigate violations.

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